I just wanted to drop in very quickly and show you something that I made for my husband for christmas. We all know that in general it's more difficult to find a perfect gift for a man than for a woman - especially when you want to add something selfmade. Well, this year it was sooo easy for me. I mean: Germany won the FIFA World Cup! We all were over the top excited, we watched every single game, we couldn't believe it when our team won 7:1 against Brasil in the half finals and then really won the finals against Argentina. This is one of those World Cups that noone in Germany will ever forget.
Ich wollte nur kurz reinschauen und euch schnell zeigen, was ich meinem Mann zu Weihnachten geschenkt habe. Normalerweise ist's ja recht schwierig Männer zu beschenken, aber dieses Jahr war's ja fast schon zu leicht. Sicher war unser Baum nicht der einzige unter dem ein Buch über die Fußball-WM lag, oder? War aber auch einfach zu genial! Ich sag nur 7:1 gegen Brasilien. Das gibt's bestimmt nie mehr!